Day 139.
Last day of the year and day 139 of my sabbatical. Two naps, fireworks, cheese fondue, a little wine, and good laughs. Not a bad way to spend the last day of the year. Looking forward to the new year and new adventures.
Day 138.
I'm posting this a day late. As I missed blogging yesterday as most of the day was spent on a bus or asleep. My ear has been aching and feels funny, so I'm a little off everything. But we made it back home even in the horrible road conditions and DD bought me a little pressie at the Nurmes ABC-gas station just to make me feel better.
Day 137.
Forgot to take my camera along when we took the kids out to play in the snow. Oh well. Snowmen, snow lanterns and snow spiders were created in no time at all.
Tomorrow we head back home.
Tomorrow we head back home.
Day 136.
Marking the towels using band aid and a pen. Clever, eh? |
Yesterday we ended up staying inside listening to the howling wind and being grateful that the power stayed on. This morning, DD and her granny went to a gym stick class in the morning and now most of the crew took of for a swim. I'm doing laundry and will watch the last episode of Upstairs, Downstairs. In the living room, the other remaining folks are watching sports.
Day 135.
We are at the timeshare villa thingie that my in-laws have reserved for this week. DD is running about with her two cousins, and the grown-ups are going about their own business -- reading, going out for walks etc. Good times.
The villa is quite nice, three bedrooms, a large living room area and a loft. Beds for eight and some spare mattresses, too. We are five adults and three kids, so it's pretty perfect. The kitchen is fully equipped and the nearest shop is just about a kilometer away. And the internet works perfectly, there's also a computer upstairs, but it has been overtaken by the kids.
My MIL is a phenomenal cook and baker, she does good basic Finnish dishes that are to die for -- so this week DD and I are eating meat. Not the end of the world for either of us. And the meal times and coffee breaks come at regular hours, so energy levels are kept at max.
I brought along DD's laptop (I still don't have one of my own), a book, a crocheting hook and some yarn so I should be well entertained. The kids will do some swimming and downhill skiing (weather permitting) and at one point or another, everyone is kicked out for a walk. Yes, we have done this before, it's like "Dinner for One" , the same procedure as every year. But it's all good.
The villa is quite nice, three bedrooms, a large living room area and a loft. Beds for eight and some spare mattresses, too. We are five adults and three kids, so it's pretty perfect. The kitchen is fully equipped and the nearest shop is just about a kilometer away. And the internet works perfectly, there's also a computer upstairs, but it has been overtaken by the kids.
My MIL is a phenomenal cook and baker, she does good basic Finnish dishes that are to die for -- so this week DD and I are eating meat. Not the end of the world for either of us. And the meal times and coffee breaks come at regular hours, so energy levels are kept at max.
I brought along DD's laptop (I still don't have one of my own), a book, a crocheting hook and some yarn so I should be well entertained. The kids will do some swimming and downhill skiing (weather permitting) and at one point or another, everyone is kicked out for a walk. Yes, we have done this before, it's like "Dinner for One" , the same procedure as every year. But it's all good.
Day 134.
Took the bus with DD to Vuokatti. Scary ride, as there were tons of sleet on the road and the bus driver was very liberally driving on the wrong side of the road, too. Now DD is happily playing with her cousins, and I am looking forward to coffee and cake :)
Day 132.
Christmas. In the morning, a bit of cleaning while DD and DH went to town to watch people panic over last minute purchases. Rice porridge for lunch, DD went out for a while, I had a nap, made lasagna and played Monopoly. Plenty of candy and some small presents. And the gingerbread house got attacked by I don't know what....
Day 131.
Done today:
- coffee with a friend in the morning
- stop by at the supermarket for milk and black pepper
- library with DD
- nap with Aksu the Cat
- listen to DD and her friend giggle while they apply liberal amounts of make up
- make DD and her friend wash their faces twice
- coffee with a friend in the afternoon
To do tomorrow:
- a little laundry to make sure we are presentable at MIL's house on Monday
- make rice porridge in the morning and lasagna for dinner
- make sure someone gets the ice cream from the corner store!!
- play Monopoly, eat chocolate and read a book or two
- coffee with a friend in the morning
- stop by at the supermarket for milk and black pepper
- library with DD
- nap with Aksu the Cat
- listen to DD and her friend giggle while they apply liberal amounts of make up
- make DD and her friend wash their faces twice
- coffee with a friend in the afternoon
To do tomorrow:
- a little laundry to make sure we are presentable at MIL's house on Monday
- make rice porridge in the morning and lasagna for dinner
- make sure someone gets the ice cream from the corner store!!
- play Monopoly, eat chocolate and read a book or two
Day 130.
DD's school ended today and we started our modest Christmas preparations. A bit of cleaning, little shopping (tuna, cheese and chocolate), nothing too fancy or complicated. Found some candles in the cupboard, had to lit them and have a cup of coffee in their dim light. Life is good.
Day 129.
This morning I went into DD's school to watch their Christmas party -- pretty traditional stuff and a wee bit boring, to be honest. the choir sang quite nicely though, and DD looked cute. Later during the day they watched Shaun the Sheep and ate candy....oh the joy of getting a top education?!
I ran some errands and had coffee with a friend. And cleaned two cat litter boxes and a shower drain. No wonder I needed a nap!
Tomorrow is the last day of school, they go in for an hour. So I'm guessing tomorrow will include cleaning and laundry and shopping.
I ran some errands and had coffee with a friend. And cleaned two cat litter boxes and a shower drain. No wonder I needed a nap!
Tomorrow is the last day of school, they go in for an hour. So I'm guessing tomorrow will include cleaning and laundry and shopping.
Day 128.
A lof of present wrapping going on -- DD bought pressies for 6 of her friends, with her own money, mind you. Cosmetics mainly :) I've also done some wrapping, but nothing major as we don't do a lot of presents.
No snow yet. Very depressing. And the flu is not going anywhere. Tomorrow I will take my sorry self to DD's school for the Christmas party, as I want to hear the choir sing, and I'm pretty sure I will cry, too.
No snow yet. Very depressing. And the flu is not going anywhere. Tomorrow I will take my sorry self to DD's school for the Christmas party, as I want to hear the choir sing, and I'm pretty sure I will cry, too.
Day 127.
Got the flu. Not getting much done. DD had her skating club's xmas party and she needed her hair in a bun. That much I managed.
Day 126.
Rainy Sunday. Aksu the Cat decided he needed to get his own room, so he took over a box. DD had practise and we went to see the annual Christmas Fair -- bought a loaf of bread and some locally made ice cream. Now packing up Snowman Soup for DD's little skating friends. A busy but fun week ahead!
Days 124 & 125.
Yesterday we had our company xmas party, it's always a family affair, as the families join in the fun. DD loved the party, as always, mainly because one of her best friend's dad is my colleague and the girls got to do some giggling they can't do at school (I hope). The party was lovely, but being gone for the past few months, there were so many people I didn't know and some jokes I didn't get. But it was good to see many familiar faces and the cake was brilliant.
DD is at the next party, a friend's bday party which is held here. I'm sure there will be a major meltdown later on. DH went to get some pizza for us. And the cats are doing what they do best, sleeping. I think I'm off for a little nap myself.
DD is at the next party, a friend's bday party which is held here. I'm sure there will be a major meltdown later on. DH went to get some pizza for us. And the cats are doing what they do best, sleeping. I think I'm off for a little nap myself.
Days 122 & 123.
We have been running about like a couple of mad people -- shopping for winter shoes, mailing Xmas cards, taking DD to the physiotherapist.... and the run continues until next Thursday when school break starts. DD is having a present crisis, she cannot figure what she wants for Christmas so it seems she will get stuff she needs. Dreadful, I know. I've asked for peace and quiet, not sure if it will emerge. More tomorrow with photos, I hope.
Day 121.
Knitting, playing with paper and glue, eating leftover cake...oh and someone in our household has a pair of heels, size 36. A lot of walking practise going on...
Day 120.
DD is now 11. To celebrate, she decorated the cake I made in the morning and for dinner we had some egg mayo sandwiches, as requested by the bday girl. She got the pressies she asked for; a pack of felt tips and a Top Model design booklet thingie. Easy day! Much easier than eleven years ago.... :)
Day 119.
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Went shopping, DD got a little dress to wear for Xmas parties. |
The little cat loves documentaries. She also goes behind the TV to look for birds and horses, which are her favourites. |
Day 118.
All set for gingerbread decoration! |
The key to solid building is using tons of icing. Or not. |
The 10-year age difference showed only in the quality of the decorations, not the amount of used sugar and candy. |
DD ended up giggling under the table. After that she went for a nap. |
These ladies (decorated by me) look like they could be working at the Oktoberfest carrying huge pints. |
The first scraf finished, using yarn called Argentina, a pain to knit but looks fun, so come and get it Kaija! |
Day 117.
DD and her friend ate four cinnemon rolls and washed them down with a litre of lingonberry juice. |
Pizza with three cheeses and a little side salad. |
Puzzle piece transforming into something else. |
Day 116.
For a Thursday, the day was not half bad. After the early morning stroll to the ice hall, I got back home, had coffee and watched Anthony Bourdain. Then off to town to get DD's cousin a Bday pressie. Later, coffee with a friend and TV with DH.
Days 114 & 115.
Yesterday was Independence Day and we spent it in Jyväskylä in a figureskating competition. Good laughs, talks, meeting new people and old friends and creating memories for the kids who were sooo tired but sooooo happy. And yes, we let them eat candy at 9 pm on the train.
DD took a day off from school today and slept until 10 am. Then we had a bit of homeschooling going on, and I just sent her off to practise at the ice hall. I'm beaten and feel like having a huge hangover without the booze. A good day pretty much wasted but c'est la vie, as they say.
For dinner, a lovely tomato and lentil soup boiling up. Winter food.
DD took a day off from school today and slept until 10 am. Then we had a bit of homeschooling going on, and I just sent her off to practise at the ice hall. I'm beaten and feel like having a huge hangover without the booze. A good day pretty much wasted but c'est la vie, as they say.
For dinner, a lovely tomato and lentil soup boiling up. Winter food.
Day 113.
Getting ready for spending Independence Day at the Jyväskylä ice hall. That's about it for today and tomorrow. Hyvää itsenäisyyspäivää huomiselle, me ollaan Jyväskylän jäähallissa koko päivä!
Day 112.
I have three different knitting projects started. And I'm planning a fourth one, but don't have enough needles. And I am taking turns reading two books, which is very unusual for me. Multitasking?
DH helped DD to revise for a forthcoming test in physics, the topic was space and the solar system -- love listening to their discussions, they both get a little carried away at times. Having gone through the materials, they went for a walk to clear their heads.
I'm making a list for tomorrow, must be prepared for an early start on Tuesday to make it to Jyväskylä.
Day 111.
Got some supplies in town, some bamboo yarn and a bottle of matte accents. I have some fun projects planned out. But today we focussed on DD learning to knit, they are doing it at school and it's not going too well. There was some drama and tears, but finally we settled down and she was able to knit a few rounds. Tomorrow we are planning three 15 minute sessions...let's see how that goes.
Day 110.
Walked to town in the morning and it was snowing, raining and snowing. The walk takes about 8 minutes so that's a lot of changes in the weather. Too many for my liking.
Had a lovely cup of coffee with a lovely friend. Afterwards, went to the craft shop and held bundles of yarns, came home with the two I was planning to buy. But could have easily spent all my non-existing money there. And they had all sorts of cute buttons, too. And ribbons. I love ribbon.
In the afternoon, donated blood and made of list of unfinished projects I may want to finalise before Xmas. Oh dear.
Day 109.
December. The snow is almost gone. It's dark. Not enjoying this at all.
DD got her first pressie from the Advent Calendar, a litte mouse and candy. She was overly happy and not upset with the wrapping which is recycled forest magazine pages as I refuse to buy Xmas wrapping :)
I spent 3 hours knitting. Good fun.
Day 108.
A dark rainy day. Did some proof reading in the morning, and had coffee with a friend in the afternoon. And served as a matress for his majesty, Aksu The Cat, who decided that since the food is bad, he will not use the litter box as agreed but will aim over the sides. Oh well, I wanted cats, I got cats, and cats will do as they please.
DD is all worked up about the forthcoming competition on Indepence Day as well as the fact that tomorrow is December 1 and she gets to open the first pressie from her Advent calendar.
Day 107.
Busy day :) Headed over to the hairdresser's for a make-over, then to town with a friend for some shopping and coffee. DD is at school as we speak, they are having an evening thing involving computers and treats.My fav treats at the moment are these Xmas chocolates. A piece of heaven wrapped in red and gold!
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