
Day 20.

DH is in Copenhagen, after a cancelled flight, a broken train and getting rebooked, he made it. Trying to solve travel crisis by text messages is not my forte. DD had morning practise, after which we set out on a mission to buy at least one decent pair of leggings or similar for her to wear in school as all her old ones are either too small or have too many holes in them to be called decent. We bought three pairs and a scarf. And a lot of stuff from the drug store to patch up DD's toes....long story and painful blisters. Also got some Omega-3, which cannot hurt either of us, I think.

In the afternoon I had coffee at Jokiasema and DD went to the swimming pool with a friend. While they were in the water, someone had messed with their shoes in the dressing room, and dumped one from each pair into the rubbish bin, from where the cleaning lady had removed them. After some panicky moments, they went to the reception, tracked down the cleaning lady who dug out the shoes for them. I called the pool afterwards asking what exactly is the point of emptying the shoes from the bin, rather than putting them on the bench as the likelihood that anyone would come in wearing odd pairs and dump them in the bin is probably quite small....

Perutun lennon ja hajonneen junan jälkeen isäntä pääsi kuin pääsikin Köpikseen. Kriisinhallinta tekstareilla ei ole vahvoja puoliani. Likalla aamuharkat, joitten jälkeen päämäärätietoisesti kaupoille ostamaan ehjät, kunnolliset housut. Kaikki vanhat liian pieniä tai reikäisiä. Löydettiin kolmet, ja huivi. Ja apteekista iso läjä varpaiden paikkaustarpeita...ja omega-3, josta tuskin on haittaa.

Iltapäiväkahveet Jokkarilla, ja sillä välin likka meni uimahalliin kaverinsa kanssa.Siis oikeasti, mitä ajattelee a) ihminen joka heittää ilkeyksissään uimahallin pukukopissa kahden pikkutytön kenkäpareista toiset kengät roskikseen ja b)siivooja joka tyhjentää ko. roskiksen jätesäkkiin ajattelematta että kukahan olisi tullut eriparin kengissä halliin ja jättänyt kengät roskiin? Uimahallillle annettu palaute, idioottia tuskin tavoittaa.

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