
Days 169 & 170.

I've been sick -- a nasty cold with an added bonus of a cough that makes my head hurt. Oh well, luckily hot drinks are plentiful and DH bought a little pressie to cheer me up -- a new Samsung phone. Being a Nokia user for the past 15 years, the android world is taking a little bit of practising :)


Days 167 & 168.

It's cold. And I have a cold. So not much to report, apart from the fact that I find myself singing Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer.


Day 166.

Made DD wake up earlier than usual so she could do her math homework which she was unable to finish last night to due a sugar rush. She also knitted some, because her knitting assignment for school was due today. Had coffee with a friend, and did some small stuff around the house. Took a nap! And saw Rat King at the movies. Scary.

Now DD and I will take the sofa over and start watching The Voice of Finland.


Day 165.

A long day with a lot of running about. First DD's legendary morning practise, then while she was in English class, I had coffee and a sandwich on campus. At 8:45 I went to meet DD at the school gates and we took off for her dentist's check-up for a suspected crossbite. All is well at the moment, but they will want to see her again in August. She is soo afraid of the dentist, that she had to be reminded to breathe and there were silent little tears falling. Poor baby. After taking her back to school, I got myself a nice cream filled bun and made coffee. Ah. In the afternoon, went to town to get some movie tickets and bread. DD went straight from school to a friend's bday party and got home around 7 pm. Needless to say she was tired. But  there was no major drama!


Day 164.

I have discovered a new, amazing thing in life. Movies in the morning, with a group of senior citizens. I shyly asked at the movie theatre if you had to show proof of being a senior citizen to join in, and the lady laughed and said "no". So I went to the movies at 10 am to see The Iron Lady with about 200 eldery persons, who were the best company ever! No popcorn, no candy, and no mobile phones. And I loved the movie, too.

Then at noon rushed home via the shops and made it in time to make DD a snack and to make her work on her knitting before sending her off to practise. Later on we went back to town to see if any of the shops would have a cheap version of the Onepiece We found some, but they were too big for DD so settled for a pair of new pjs, also much needed.


Day 163.

Last night at 3 am our idiot neighbour turned the music on, really on. If he does it again tonight, I'm calling the police.

Made cookies, and lovely tomato and lentil soup. Watched DD practise her swim jumps and knitting. Not at the same time, mind you.

The weather is getting colder. Must find long underwear. 


Day 162.

Stopped by at the office for coffee and a chat, and got a lovely calendar, too! Some errands, some groceries and home to hoover the house. Two very upset cats ran about the house in a state of panic.

Later on, DH and DD went off to buy skiis for DD. Watched half a movie with DH and then America's next top model with DD.

Oh and we had salmon for dinner.


Day 161.

Election day. Baked bread in the morning, drank endless cups of tea and watched two movies. Now waiting for the results of the election.

Days 159 & 160.

The weekend started off with so much running about that I forgot and/or was too tired to blog. On Friday I attended a staff meeting at the office concerning some air quality problems that our building has been having. After running errands and making dinner (tuna sandwiches), DD and I crashed on the sofa and enjoyed The Voice of Finland.

Yesterday DD went off to a friend's Bday party and DH made his way back home from Kajaani. I've been having a bit of a headache over the past few days and after finding my sphygmomanometer (just had to google the word, now in hell could I spell it) concluded that maybe quitting my meds for hypertension without the ok from a doc was not a good idea. Oh well.


Day 158.

Thursday again. In the morning, ice hall, watched DD practise her double Salchow -- she fell 30 + times, went back to the coach for instructions, fell some more and then -- pulled it off three times in a row, a perfect little double jump! She was so happy, and the coach seemed pretty pleased, too. 

Aksu helping me with the mouse.

The poor crane.

Our crafts class made origamis today. Very difficult for me, but I did manage to make a rose, a tulip, a parrot, a butterfly and a crane. The crane looks very old and wrinkly. I will, however, practise making them, because they are supercute!


Day 157.

We had freshly baked rolls for breakfast. A little research into the magic world of baking revealed that one can refrigerate the dough overnight and  it doesn't die on you.

Spent three hours talking with a friend I hadn't seen in the past 10 years or so. Lots of catching up to do, so we will continue in about two weeks.


Day 156.

DH stayed at home, the doc gave him painkillers for his back which is hurting like hell and a few days off. DD had her second class in swim jumping and had the best of times. I read a book.


Day 155.

As DD and I were heading out of the door, DH returned. He is having a combination of a headache and a stomach ache, which I am hoping is not anything contagious. But in any case, he spent most of the day on the sofa asleep.

I had coffee with a friend, bought vitamin B12 and milk, got home and made bean patties for dinner. A little dry, but ok.

DD came home from school a little upset, there seems to be some sort of a turmoil going on in the class. She wouldn't go into details, but clearly it's a big deal for some of the kids.

Not a day that one would describe as eventful but I like them like this.


Days 153 & 154.

Had my birthday yesterday and forgot the blogging altogether. Got a cd from DH, Lovestrong by Christina Perri. And made a cake with tons of chocolate. Shared it with family and friends.

DD is at the ice hall and will go swimming afterwards. DH is at the gym. I'm hanging out with the cats and enjoying a cup of tea. And listening to the new CD. How I wish I could sing!


Day 152.

Went to town for coffee -- twice. Baked a cake for tomorrow. Knitted a little. Bought some more yarn from a sale. DD's xmas pressies arrived -- finally. Aren't they cute?


Day 151.

Breakfast by the computer.

DD soaking her feet after two rounds of skating in one day: first practise at the ice hall and then outdoors skating with school. The latter was better than she had expected, maybe because the teacher had said that while the other learn the basics, she can do whatever she wants. :) 

A little something I've been making lately.


Day 150.

While DD was at school, I pushed the hoover around a little and then settled down for a bit of crafting. Then off to the shop and to meet DD for her hair dresser's appointment, just a little trim this time. During the evening the usual: dinner, dishes, laundry and a bit of talking about questions larger than life including why do people have diabetes and who decides on national borders.


Day 149.

I should get freebies from Houkutus cafe. I was there again this morning to meet another lovely lady from the office.

DD started a 12-week class in swim jumping. Along with 8 little boys. She loved the coach (who is 15!!) and the way she called them A and the boys. And she loved the jumping and is looking forward to next week's class!


Day 148.

DH's new toy.  From the trash. Runs on a battery and has a very loud alarm. Very loud.
Monday started off well with a cup of coffee with a friend and continued with a brilliant movie, Into the Wild. I've always been fascinated with people on the road, hence my greatest hero has been for year Jack Kerouac. I liked the movie and at the end when I realised it was based on a true story, googled Chris and found interesting stuff about the controversy of his Alaskan experience and death. And Fairbanks City Bus 142, it's still there with folks visiting. Weird. But intriguing.

DD has skating in PE this week, and no skates, no outdoors skates that is. Or rather,  the pair she has is a bit too small for woollen socks and all. So hope for the best as we hunt for a second hand pair of proper skates, not the ones you can buy at a supermarket.


Day 147.

A good lazy Sunday. I'm in the blogging mood, so more next week :)


Day 146.

A wintery day with snow and about - 5 degrees Celcius.

DD had practise, after which she ate her weekly supply of candy and did homework under the influence of sugar. We had sushi for late lunch and I wish I had made just a little bit more.

Aksu the Cat wanted to go for a walk, but was rather dissappointed with all the snow.


Day 145.

DD spent the day at a friend's house. DH and I watched two movies and made pizza. Nothing more to report for today.


Day 144.

5: 15 am wake up
5:50 am wake up DD
6: 10 am head for the ice hall
6:45 am DD starts practise, I head for a walk with a friend and a dog
7:30 am DD off ice and off to school
8 am lie down for a nap
10:30 am off to the post office with a complaint
11 am walk back home dragging a huge parcel, sweat and swear a lot
12 noon trip to the corner store for milk and bread
 3 pm DD calls from school that she is going to a friend's house
4:10 pm DH home from work
5:25 pm call DD to come home
6 pm dinner
8 pm Idols on telly
9 pm DD to bed
10 pm fall asleep


Day 143.

Aksu the Cat is doing much better today, he has eaten, used the litter box and is now sleeping peacefully on the sofa just next to me. He's is still weak and a little "off" but luckily it seems we don't have to make another trip to the vet's. Knock on wood.

Because I didn't want to leave Aksu, I haven't been outside apart from taking the trash out. Luckily I have a pantry and a 10 kg bag of potatoes, so I baked bread (with oats and pumpkin seeds) and made a lovely veggie shepherd's pie with soy and beans instead of meat. And in case I don't want to go to the shop even later on, I found some berries.


Day 142.

A day full of drama. Aksu the Cat seemed to be recovering from his operation well, but early in the morning he went all limp. I called the vet's and they told me to keep a close eye on him and bring him over in case he didn't cheer up. He didn't. We spent the afternoon at the vet's with Aksu getting blood works done and fluids pushed in IV. Not a happy cat, I assure you. The nurses or whatever they are called were great and the doctor, too. Now he's at home recovering and we are hoping that he won't have to go back tomorrow for another IV session, which included a black hood over his head and two little nurses wearing long sturdy gloves holding him back with a lot of weight and force.

I am sooo tired. 


Day 141.

Today I took Aksu the Cat to the vet's -- he got one of his nails stuck on the paw on Saturday and needed help. He got doped, the nail was cut and the bits and pieces removed from the paw and after a shot of antibiotics and pain killers was released home. It took him good two hours to sleep it all off and then he headed right to the bowl as he was kept off food from last night. Now he's ok!

DD is back in school, and happily so, I might add. She was pleased to see her friends and headed off to a friend's house after school.


Day 140.

The first day of the new year: sunshine,  - 7 degrees Celcius, lovely white stilton with apricots, watching a fun movie, spending time with the family. No complaints, so far the year has been great.