
Day 228.

Silver Skate in Kuopio. DD came in 5th (/17) and was very pleased. We also got to visit her godparents and got home with a skating buddy, so what a perfect day.


Day 227.

Early morning at the ice hall. Busy afternoon and evening, which all went much better than I expected. Being a pessimist pays off. DD surprised me by washing her hair and brushing it at the swimming pool, since all the girls needed to do it for the school concert, they did it together. The concert was great and the class made lots of money. Tomorrow off to Kuopio.


Day 226.

A bit of a busy and crafty day. In the morning, baked a cake for DD's school concert tomorrow, with crushed peppermint and chocolate candy. In the evening, spent time with the Martta-ladies making Easter decorations. Still got glue under my fingernails. While I was gone, DD had served DH supper and billed him for it. Clever girl. Also, they revised for her history test tomorrow on the rise and fall of the Roman empire.


Day 225.

Anyone who knows me and has been to our house knows that I don't clean too much and I definately do not decorate. Every now and then I clear the kitchen table and discover a lot of breadcrumbs among other things. Every now and then DH gets into a decorative mood and wants to hang posters on the walls. Got some good ones in Berlin.

DD has been studying for her physics test and history exam. Also, she is getting a little nervous about Friday, when we to Kuopio for the last comp of the season. Still not decided how. But we will go.

The cats are silly, fighting and playing and running about. Maybe it's spring?!


Day 224.

The start of a crazy week. Returned library books, bought groceries, made a supereasy veggie pie and did some small things during the day. The skating season is about to end so there was a big spring thing at the ice hall with all the groups performing. Made also some arrangements for Friday, when we are off to Kuopio for the last competition of the season. How -- at this point no-one knows, but probably we will jump into a bus. This is one of the rare times when I do wish I had a car. And a driver's license :)


Days 222-223.

Spent the weekend in training for Fair Trade. Very interesting indeed. And what fun people, from all over the country and such a spectrum of ages, occupations and life choices!


Day 221.

Coffee with a dear friend, shopping for cleaning supplies (in anticipation of spring cleaning), easy going day. DD went a little crazy with make up. Planning next week, which is going to be crazy!


Day 220.

Baked bread, made DD happy. Watched too many eps of Wire in the Blood. Love Robson Green.


Day 219.

Fun evening with the Martat -- veggie cooking. Chili sin carne and carrots-lentil soup. And other stuff, too. Always fun to cook together and more fun to eat together.


Day 218.

Back to normal, almost. Laundry, dishes, dinner, a bit of hoovering and watching the latest episode of GA online. DD practised her speech some more.


Day 217.

Ah Monday. I was hoping to catch up with my regular routines and life, but I was soooo tired and my cold got worse at the ice hall, so I ended up taking things very easy. I did get a hair cut, so not a completely useless day. DD practised her speech (for Finnish, learning to state an opinion) on me and finally all those courses on public speaking and grammar paid off  as she agreed to some of my feedback (like "s/he" rather than "it"  :)

The weather... it has been sunny and springy. Today it got grey and snowy and ugly and slippery as hell. I hate this time of the year.

Days 215-216.

What a great, lovely and exhausting weekend! The party on Sat went perfect, everyone was happy and helpful and enjoyed themselves and the bday lady was radiant to say the least! (In case you are reading this, damn that hair of yours :) )

On Sunday, DD and I volunteered at the ice hall for the competitions that the club organised. DD worked at the rink gate and handed out hot juice to the skaters as they came out after their bit. She said six girls came out of the rink in full tears, one because she did so great, four because they did not so great and one because it was her last competition. Apparently you hear a lot of things by the ice :)

DD finished her work at 5 pm, got home and ate and went to practise which was moved from noon to 6 pm. We met half way as I was walking home. Good thing that we got a delivery of leftovers from the Sat party as no-one had thought about dinner!


Day 214.

Preps for a friend's bday party tomorrow. In the morning, made a salmon and creamcheese cake ready to decorated, in the evening spent time at the venue doing dishes and making sure everything is set for tomorrow.  65 people, full meal and coffee. Lovely lovely lovely.


Days 212-213.

Caught DD's cold, which turned into a sinus infection. Been in bed for 1.5 days. Bored. DD has been great, she managed her hairdresser's appointment yesterday and this morning she walked alone to her 6:45 am practise. She did talk with me on the phone all the way, but nevertheless, what a kid! But I am glad DH will be home tonight.


Day 211.

stuff that will go the the kindergarten where DD spent many happy years. we donate them toys and craft supplies at least once a year.

DH is on his way to Germany on business. He was supposed to fly to Stuttgart via Copenhagen but just called that the last flight is cancelled so they will fly to Berlin instead. Not a happy camper.

DD went to her swim jump class and I finally started one of the projects I decided to do while on sabbatical -- going through my craft supplies. Which is a huge task! I'm donating some of the stuff to the closest kindergarten and giving some away in my crafty blog. Some I'm trying to sell and some I will just keep.

Oh, and I baked bread!


Day 210.

DD went to school and DH to work so I had the house all to myself. Well, the cats were around but they pretty much sleep all day long so.... DD may have been better off staying at home, she was supertired in the afternoon and warmer than usual. So I'm hoping the fever will not come back.

Went for a walk and the shops. The sun was out. Very bright. And almost springy with the birds singing and snow falling off the roofs.


Day 209.

A slow Sunday. DD is still having a fever, the highest reading we got was at 38.9 C. She has been tired and unhappy, and at one point settled for me reading her a book (of my choice) -- Little House on the Prairie. Me thinks she will miss school tomorrow.


Day 208.

DD woke up in the middle of the night with a burning fever. I would not let her go to practise so she, for a short moment, decided to hate me. She has spent the day pretty much on the sofa, watching a couple of documentaries with DH and WALL-E with me.

I tried out a new dish, a savory cake with cream cheese and salmon. It also involved gelatin so I slipped from our vegetarian life. But it was supergood, see details in Finnish here. I made only half of the filling as I didn't want to make a cake for 15 people :)


Day 207.

DD and her friend did not sleep very late but managed giggle until noon and then rushed off to the swimming pool. After that DD got home, ate and took a long nap. Sleep-overs are exhausting it seems.

No major accomplishments today. No major goals either, so in that sense all is good. Now off to watch the Voice of Finland and drink some tea.


Day 206.

DD is celebrating international women's day by having a friend for a sleep-over. They are planning to go out for a sledging thing, eat treats, play something weird on PS and stay up late. I also expect a lot of giggles. And tortillas for dinner.

I've updated my calendars, and realised I have one helluva busy month ahead. Oh well, at least most of it should be fun!

Now off to make coffee. No cake, but maybe I can look into my secret stash for some Milka.


Day 205.

Love being back home! We looked at the Berlin photos in the morning and had some good laughs remembering some small adventures. Like when DD and I went to the restrooms during the football match and ended up in the wrong section of the stadium. Oh well....4.1 or 41.

DD is at practise, DH is fixing one of his bikes, the cats are asleep and so will I in a few minutes time. 


Days 199-204.

I may have lost count of days...but I hope I am excused as I have been out of town with superlimited and silly internet access. And google decided that my accounts were being hijacked and and and...I had other business in mind! We just returned from Berlin. Love love love. Sunshine, walks, coffees, a little bit of sights for DD to learn about life and happy shopping at the local cheap shops. DD and I get such a rush for getting a bottle of our fav shampoo for 99 cents and cute toothbrushes for 1.50 €.

One of the best things in Berlin was breakfast. On Thursday DD had two breakfasts just because she could, the second one at around 3 pm. Photos will come, but not today. Now I'm off to unpack!

Edit: added photos. thanks to DH who took most of them.